Jhana Ellard
Co-Host of The Jacksway Collective: Philosophy & Fiction
An estranged humanities major navigating the financial startup world while still trying to hold on to the principles of Karl Marx. Jhana's existential frustration often manifests itself on the podcast as word salad when trying to make a point.
Favourite Books:
-The Fall: Albert Camus
-The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Milan Kundera
Favourite Films:
-Dr. Strangelove: Stanley Kubrick
-The Human Condition: Masakai Kobayashi
Jhana Ellard has hosted 28 Episodes.
Episode 20 | Interview with Professor Scott Palmer - Imperial Russia & The Russian Spirit
November 2nd, 2020 | 2 hrs 12 mins
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Jhana sits down with Professor Scott Palmer from the University of Texas for a wide-ranging discussion about history, aviation, greatness, online education, and much more.
Let's Read 7 | Milan Kundera's Slowness
May 31st, 2020 | 56 mins 13 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
After a few months, Jhana is back for more! Time for a new Let's Read. We're going to read Milan Kundera's Slowness. Listen in to a live reading & live thoughts about one of Jhana's favourite author's books.
Let's Read 6 | Albert Camus' The Fall
April 8th, 2020 | 1 hr 3 mins
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
We made it! We've read through Albert Camus' The Fall in its entirety. Listen to the final chapter of this journey and hear what Jhana has to say about it!
Let's Read 5 | Albert Camus' The Fall
April 5th, 2020 | 42 mins 39 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
It's the penultimate episode! Jhana reads and talks through Chapter 5 of Albert Camus' The Fall. Join us on this audio journey through Jean Clemence's endless confession!
Let's Read 4 | Albert Camus' The Fall
April 3rd, 2020 | 51 mins 41 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
We're over halfway now! Here on this "Let's Read" episode Jhana reads through Chapter 4, digging deeper into the motives behind Jean Baptiste Clemence's extended confession.
Let's Read 3 | Albert Camus' The Fall
April 1st, 2020 | 48 mins 58 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
It's the third episode of Let's Read Albert Camus' The Fall. Jhana dives into the longest chapter of the novel about our protagonist Jean Baptiste Clemence.
Let's Read 2 | Albert Camus' The Fall
March 30th, 2020 | 54 mins 27 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
Let's Read 1 | Albert Camus' The Fall
March 28th, 2020 | 37 mins 31 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Time for a spin off episode! This time, Jhana hops on the mic for a solo project that he's been brewing on for a few weeks now. What is it you might ask? Well, probably one of the most niche, "unappealing to many," things he could think of. He's decided to read aloud, audiobook style, his favorite books on the mic, chapter by chapter and then have a discussion immediately after.
Episode 19 | Seeders, Leechers, & The Swat Team
November 19th, 2019 | 54 mins 6 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
The Jacksway Collective is back! After 8 months of hiatus, Jhana, Oliver, and Brendan hop back on the microphones to shake off the rust. The guys got together this week to talk about Digital Piracy. Since Brendan is a musician, we thought he'd offer an interesting perspective on the modern state of affairs when it comes to piracy.
Episode 18 | The Death of The Author, The Birth of the Podcasters
April 9th, 2019 | 35 mins 1 sec
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Has the author truly died in our age of information? Does Roland Barthes' essay The Death of The Author changed our interpretation of works of art? Listen in as The Jacksway Collective talk about intent, context, and different forms of interpretation.
Episode 17 | Generation Why? Zadie Smith's Take On Our Online Existence
March 14th, 2019 | 55 mins 49 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Zadie Smith's essay examines the generational gaps between herself and Mark Zuckerberg. The Jacksway Collective tries to reconcile their generational gaps as well.
The Talkbox 1 | Love Up on a Plate
February 19th, 2019 | 31 mins 27 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
In the inaugural episode of the Talkbox, host Brendan Tuytel explores Mr. Jukes' album God First, opening up a new perspective on one of the world's most notable historical events.
Episode 16 | Brains in a Vat
January 28th, 2019 | 42 mins 56 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
In this episode, The Jacksway Collective read Hilary Putnam's paper Brains in a Vat and experience a collective hallucination. Well, not exactly. They do, however, discuss epistemology and the implications of what would happen if it were revealed tomorrow we were all just brains in a vat.
Episode 15 | A Bizarre First Day On The Job
January 21st, 2019 | 47 mins 43 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
The Jacksway Collective kicks of the new year with Jhana and Oli discussing Orientation, a short story by Daniel Orozco. The duo discuss the absurdity of the modern workplace and its manifestation in our own lives.
Episode 14 | Is There a Soul Under The Skin?
December 31st, 2018 | 47 mins 12 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
In this science fiction meets art house film, listen in as the gang muddles through thick Scottish accents, the often obtuse, and the visually stunning.
Episode 13 | Can You Blame God for Waiting to Reveal the Truth?
December 17th, 2018 | 41 mins 26 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Tolstoy asks the gang to question if truth is the highest virtue, and if it isn't, what is? They also loop back to discussions of blame in response to their first listener email!