Sarah Johnson
Co-Host of The Jacksway Collective: Philosophy & Fiction
Sarah is a recovering English major who knows a little about a lot. When she’s not reading Gothic literature, she can be found reading regular literature and defending her aforementioned degree. Interests include guest-starring on podcasts (maybe - we’ll see how this episode does), sarcasm, and defending aforementioned use of sarcasm.
Sarah Johnson has hosted eight Episodes.
Episode 18 | The Death of The Author, The Birth of the Podcasters
April 9th, 2019 | 35 mins 1 sec
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Has the author truly died in our age of information? Does Roland Barthes' essay The Death of The Author changed our interpretation of works of art? Listen in as The Jacksway Collective talk about intent, context, and different forms of interpretation.
Episode 17 | Generation Why? Zadie Smith's Take On Our Online Existence
March 14th, 2019 | 55 mins 49 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Zadie Smith's essay examines the generational gaps between herself and Mark Zuckerberg. The Jacksway Collective tries to reconcile their generational gaps as well.
Episode 16 | Brains in a Vat
January 28th, 2019 | 42 mins 56 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
In this episode, The Jacksway Collective read Hilary Putnam's paper Brains in a Vat and experience a collective hallucination. Well, not exactly. They do, however, discuss epistemology and the implications of what would happen if it were revealed tomorrow we were all just brains in a vat.
Episode 14 | Is There a Soul Under The Skin?
December 31st, 2018 | 47 mins 12 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
In this science fiction meets art house film, listen in as the gang muddles through thick Scottish accents, the often obtuse, and the visually stunning.
Episode 13 | Can You Blame God for Waiting to Reveal the Truth?
December 17th, 2018 | 41 mins 26 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Tolstoy asks the gang to question if truth is the highest virtue, and if it isn't, what is? They also loop back to discussions of blame in response to their first listener email!
Episode 12 | On the Opposite of Truth Telling
November 27th, 2018 | 42 mins 46 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
4 podcasters call each other out on their bullshit while simultaneously analyzing the concept itself. Listen to The Jacksway Collective's latest episode on Harry Frankfurt's paper "On Bullshit!"
Episode 11 | We Need to Talk About Kevin on the Podcast
November 13th, 2018 | 47 mins 36 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
Lynne Ramsay's chilling film examines psychopathy and motherhood. This podcast starts by thoughtfully discussing those themes and ends in absurdity.
Episode 10 | The Rise of the Podcast & The Fall of the House of Usher
October 23rd, 2018 | 38 mins 32 secs
arts, fiction, jacksway collective, philosophy, short stories
The gang adds a fourth to this week's recording for their Halloween special! Sarah brings the guys Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher. They also go off the rails about 25 times.